
From Rest of What I Know

fzf is a fuzzy-finder on the terminal. I use it for all sorts of stuff.

Selecting a git branch:

gco() {
  branch="$(git branch | grep -v '^\+' | fzf | tr -d '[:space:]' | sed 's/^\*//')"
  if [[ -z "$branch" ]]; then
    echo "No branch selected"
    return 1
	git checkout "$branch"
A GIF of the script above in use, selecting a branch, and deleting another
fzf in action for adding and removing git branches

You can also select multiple rows if you like

gbd() {
  branches=$(git branch | fzf --multi | sed 's/^\*//' | sed 's/\s*//')
  git branch -D ${branches}

And if you want a preview, you can get one too:

ls | fzf --preview 'ls -l {} | wc -l'

I admit I do use it with kubectl config use-context but side-effects will occur.

The fzf pipeline above being used to list three different folders and how many entries they have
fzf being used to preview something