Multigenerational Optimization

From Rest of What I Know

Multigenerational Optimization is the idea of aiming for success in your family across generations. It is in contrast to the idea of being the solo protagonist, a view that is commonly espoused today:

I can relate. 41F, PhD, academic, breadwinner. Great with kids but opted out cuz I want to remain protagonist of my own life. The logic in your post sounds a lot like mine.

Eldiadia, /r/fireuk[1]

One's purpose is not defined solely through one's own actions, but also in one's actions that enable other members of humanity, specifically those of one's family. One's family has the interesting property that they have a specific genetic and memetic lineage that has survived to the present date and the combination is therefore sufficiently adaptive.

One way of relating this to Multicellular Mankind is to see this family group as one organ in the mankind organism. Characteristic of it is therefore the absence of views that one is "sacrificing for one's own children" or any notion of them as entirely separate from one's self. The advancement of one's family and their success is one's own success.
