TP-Link Kasa Smart Switches

From Rest of What I Know

I have the TP-Link Kasa HS103 Smart Switches and they're inexpensive ways of making many things turn on when one button is pressed or when you want to verbally have things come on in the home. We've got a rental, so modifications aren't too easy so we use this stuff to make it more convenient.

Unable to Connect to Device WiFi[edit]

When I first set up the device, I couldn't get my iPhone to connect to the WiFi network the smart switch starts after being turned on. But rebooting my phone worked.

Already Bound[edit]

For some reason, the smart switch came out of the box claiming it was bound to Google. But all of that seems to have been because it was started in some weird mode. When you hit 'Remove Device' to unpair it, it factory resets the device. Everything works after that.

Linking it to Google Home[edit]

A screenshot of the Kasa Smart Switch App pointing out how to find where to link accounts
This is one-half of the operation. The other half is you adding a device in the Google Home app.

In order to do this, I had to follow the linking procedure in the Kasa App to link it to the Google Home and then to use the Google Home app to add a device from my "Works with Google Home" section to a 'home' in Google Home.